Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

Fae Rie Court

The ancient order of Fae Rie are perhaps the most primitive and are for the most part isolated from interaction with the others of their kind. Nothins is known of communication with them since the Revening has ended, but in the depths of the Sylvan Jungle of Candle Scratch, near the sundered boundaries of Nyx, there is said to be a last bastion of their kind, who can be contacted by their Eldrin brethren in times of great strife and danger. Small in stature, frail in form, their constant and direct connection to the DemonArc of old in its most pure and volatile form causes them to be alien, distant, and seemingly capricious and chaotic in action and thought. Their essence is immortal, bound into the very nature of the free energy of Nycos, and their peculiarity has changed them, and it is for the most part for the best that they remain so restricted. They manifest but three of their number into the world.  Eo, the most ancient of them, near unto the heart of the World... Antea, Speaker for Nyx, was next, as she more than others was Steward of the Arbor itself. She focused her involvement in issues of natural law - Deciding those cases concerning life itself. Eo, Voices for the Sky was next and was himself dedicated to the issues of principle and ethos. The third chosen was Quandiu, Teller of Tessa (ancient word for waters). There are some of the ancient legends that suggest there was another, the perhaps better choice to be had, but that Quandiu manipulated Antea into the position, wearing them down with constant requests and eroding her resolve. But those tales are for another time.     Nyxian-Ancient Children of Fae. Calling themselves the Voice of the Fae Rie, The Eldrin of Nyx have traded size and significance for freedom from Daemonic influence. They are fundamentally insane, and not a little overly zealous, using magic capriciously and often. Female Nyxians have butterfly-like wings, while the males do not. All have tiny, wispy eyebrows that form into antennae; Rumor has it, that if you cut the antennae off, the elf then becomes your slave, but you will be hunted by the other Nyxians forever. No taller than four feet, no shorter than three, the Nyxian are toymakers, dollmakers, and jokesters. They often are confused with street urchins when out and about and are never far from living trees and plants, which they use to travel and communicate.
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