Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,


The primary species of beings in the everdark, the Lisks might be considered the analog to Mortals of Nycos. The species, however, are themselves splinters of their original kind, now broken into seven subspecies by the very effects of the Revening so recently undone by the planting of the Fellstones. Penumbra arguably has been the most damaged by the effects, for as yet undisclosed reasons. Lisks inhabit every biosphere of the Everdark, and are considered the Masters of the world, though they are by no means the most numerous species nor even the top of the ecological food chain. Each does have its particular favorite terrain, and each is suited specifically to the task of survival there. This categoricals header leads to those Seven, described here in short.   Lisks(the Ashen) The Lisk is a mindless worker from the Angulars of Penumbra, created and controlled by the Shadowmind that compels them. Standing roughly four feet tall, thin and gaunt. as they humanoid only in that they have two arms, two legs, a head, and torso. Gray mottled skin covers them head to toe, with stringy hairlike fibers extending from the center of their ovoid and somewhat pointed heads.

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