Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

Magicle Theory 101

The support for the various forms of mystical arts is universal, for every culture has use of magicles, the insubstantial essence that connects all Dark Shards elements, planes, and realms together. So it is no surprise that where you find the tools and access to one, in most cases, it extends to nearly all, if not all others. For convenience the various categories within are rigid, in that one form of Magic does not usually encompass the devices and tools of another. Still, all are listed together, and if a magus decides to try an cross and mingle the arts, only the laws of physics and the Director can know what might be the result, miracle or madness...   All forms of magi must conform to a basic scale of Magic Effects, associated with the sheer amount of magicles they are incorporating. Small, simple effects like lighting a room or lifting a small object off the ground might take a mere Spec of magic, while clearing a room or blowing up a building might take a Ton. THis is the basic material scale...  
  • Speck: The volume of a grain of sand (approximately 0.0000001 cubic decimeters)
  • Trick: 1 cubic centimeter (0.01 cubic decimeters)
  • Call: 1 cubic meter (1 cubic decameter or 1000 cubic decimeters)
  • Lot: 1 cubic dekameter (1000 cubic meters or 1,000,000 cubic decimeters)
  • Ton: 1 cubic hectometer (1,000,000 cubic meters or 1,000,000,000 cubic decimeters)
This scale in particular reflects the values for Practicians, that sect of Magi that are makers, molders, and transmuters. They work physically with materials that are infused with magicles physically. Watch for their description a bit later.  


Those who endeavor to engage the Arena of the Invisible cross two lines in the process. In the first case, they are entwined with that material that is immaterial - beings and things that have no substance, no visible form, yet are consequentially present. In the second, they interact with that which is physically present, but cannot be identified by the senses, both sight and sound. Magics manifest in Aethyrmancy as revelations, letting the unseen BE seen, as well as obscurations, causing the seen to become unseeable. Aethyrmanths include Touchpoints of Ahva and Aethyr, and those who would see into this elementally divergent realm.
  • Speck (Concealing a Held Knife): At the lowest level of the Magicles scale, a Speck-sized illusion or invisibility effect could hide a small object like a knife in plain sight. It would make the knife appear as if it's not there, but closer examination might reveal slight distortions.
  • Trick (Camouflaging a Single Person): A Tic-sized illusion or invisibility effect could conceal a single person, rendering them nearly invisible to onlookers. It would provide effective camouflage, making the person blend into their surroundings.
  • Call (Veiling a Room): A Call-sized illusion or invisibility effect would have the capacity to veil an entire room or a small area, making it appear empty or disguising its contents. This could be useful for stealthy operations or hidden chambers.
  • Lot (Concealing a Building): A Lot-sized illusion or invisibility effect could obscure an entire building or structure, making it seem as if it doesn't exist. Passersby would perceive an empty space where the structure stands.
  • Ton (Obscuring a Military Unit with an Illusionary Forest): At the highest level of the Magicles scale, a Ton-sized illusion or invisibility effect could conceal a substantial area, like a military unit, by creating an illusionary forest or landscape. This grand-scale illusion would effectively hide the unit from view and even sensors.
  These levels represent the range of possibilities for using NycosRPG Magicles in terms of invisibility and illusion, with increasing complexity and coverage as you move up the scale.    
Ponce, 1 lb bag Colored Scarves, Silk Colored Wax Candles Lenses and Prisms
Ash, 1 lb bag Makeup Kit and supplies Mortise and Pestle Mirrored Steel
Talc Powder, 1 lb bag Watercolor Tinting Kit Ocarina or Recorder Purified Glass pane, small
Tracing Paper Sheets Silken Bald cap Zither or Harp Leaded or Silvered mirror
Flash Paper Sheets Silken Robe Leaded Glass pane, small Filled Powder Puff
Whetstone Silken Veils of pastel colors Stained Glass pane, small Colored facepaint
Bark, 5 lb bag Steampot Smoked Glass pane, small Pastel Chalk Sticks Variety
Sawdust, 5lb bag Steam Motorwheel Engine Silvered Warp Mirror Silvered sacrificial dagger
Pinwheel Windcatcher Washboard and Sandstone Chalkboard, small Letter Board and Planchette
Pinfeathers, 5 lb bag Cactus Rainstick Turning Table with letter wheel Tuning Fork collection


Crystalsingers, Crystalseer, and many others dabble in using the crystalline structeres of Lymnal-charged crystals to a variety of Magicle Effects.  The color, quality, and consitency of the variety of crystalline structures, from naturally formed rocks to pressure-created and formed devices, all affect how and to what extent the material can accomplish the tasks. This functionality stems from the association with the Dream Prism, the various devices created to manipulate that most ancient form of native Lymnis, and the processing devised by various cults and sects throughout time   Crystallomancy tends to be a practical, functional type of magic, usually discovering the capabilities of particular types, colors, qualities, and consistencies. Such can, as time goes by, learn how to recharge, discharge, and even alter Magical Effects they have discovered. Like any of the courses of Magi, there are few hard and fast rules for what kind of Magical Effects a Crystallomancer might eventually do, discover, or attempt. Genarally, the color of the particualr stone parallels the Prismatic Wheel (see Order of the Veils) and the relative costs and uses are bound from the internal differences... Here is that metric.   Ruberic Stones require a 5x (Specks cost a Ton of lymnis) amount to activate a Aurentine-like Effect)   Flavian Stones require a 5x amount likewise to activate Indicine-like Effects) and vice versa.     Touchpoints of Crystallomancy (Shards) - Prime       Touchpoints of Brissomancy (Gravelings) - Everdark Touchpoints of FALAN (Runes of the Daemonarc) - Miasma Touchpoints of Chiromancy (Orbs) - Crossroads Touchpoints of Aethyrmancy (Tets) - Aethyr Touchpoints of Dreamweaving (Threads) - Asomatum Touchpoints of Mnemomancy (Mnemes) - Oblivion Touchpoints of Umbramancy (Shadows) - Penumbra
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