The 100 Snows of Cryopathia
The Nordlunders, drawing on their ancestral heritage and more than three iterations of weather conditions not experienced in many other realms of Nycos, have devised specific terms for each kind, type, and condition of snow, the pale pink precipitate that covers the majority of their nation's surface. Here is the list of words associated with snowfall, all part of the Nordlund's native tongue, called Tlalundin - Words of the Snows.
- akitla snow falling on water
- allatla baked snow
- aktla snow built into a dwelling
- annatla snows that portend an impending bilzzard
- ashtla expected snow that's wagered on (depth, size of flakes)
- astla snow sparkling with firelight
- attla snow that as it falls seems to create nice pictures in the air
- ayees snow packed until it is transparent
- blontla snow that's shaken off in the entry to aktla
- blotla blowing snow
- bluwid snow that's shaken down from objects in the wind
- brintla blocks of packed snow, sed to build aktla
- carpitla snow glazed with ice
- chachat swirling snow that drives you nuts
- chahatlin sound made as it falls on water
- chiup snow that makes halos
- clim snow melting inside an aktla
- crypac ice with a snow glaze
- deptla small snowballs, meant as harmless fun thrown projectiles
- dinliltla little balls of snow that cling to Husky fur
- erolinyat snow drifts containing the imprint of impatient lovers
- ertla snow used by Eskimo teenagers for exquisite erotic rituals
- fritla sound made by snow hitting the fire
- geltla deep winter currrency, used to make loans against the next Mootmeet
- gristla deep fried snow with dried fruit crystals, a delicacy
- hahatla small drizzles of snow down the back of a your collar
- hirtla frozen snowballs, meant as harmful thrown projectiles
- hootlin soundthat snow makes as the individual flakes brush
- ictla -frozen snow
- intla snow that has drifted indoors
- jatla snow between your fingers or toes, or in groin-folds
- jauntla snow that fills tracks of prey or those who are wandeirng
- katiyana night snow
- kayi drifting snow
- klin remembered snow
- krikaya snow mixed with breath
- kriplyana snow that looks blood red in the daylight
- kripya snow that has melted and refrozen
- kriyantli rock-like residual snows, now frozen through.
- krotla snow that blinds you
- mactla snow boogers, usually in a moustache or beard
- maxtla snow that hides the whole village, a heavy snowfall
- mentlana pink snow
- mextla snow used to make fermented drinks
- Moot place at the end of the snows where one comes to speak of the hunt
- mootla unintentional snow in the mouth - may be the root of the term moot
- mortla snows of the dead; the cutting snow that breaks a blizzard
- nyaklin forgotten snows, long-ago snows
- nyik snow with flakes of widely varying size
- nylalbin the snows of yesteryear
- nootlin snow that doesn't stick
- ontla snow on objects
- pactia snow that has been trodden on repeatedly
- penstla the idea of snow
- pritla our children's snow
- privtla snow melting in the spring rain
- protla snow packed around meat to preserve it
- priyakli snow that looks like it's falling upward
- puntla a mouthful of snow because you fibbed
- quinaya snow mixed with Husky shit
- quinyaya snow mixed with the shit of a lead dog
- ragnitla two snowfalls at once, creating moire patterns
- rotlana quickly accumulating snow
- semtla partially melted snow
- shiya snow at dawn
- shlim slush
- slimtla snow that is crusted on top but soft underneath
- skriniya snow that never reaches the ground
- sotla snow sparkling with sunlight
- sortla snows outside the Shatterhorn
- striktla snow that's no good for building
- tlalini snow angels
- tla-na-na sound snow makes in a wet, cutting storm
- tlidtla snow used for cleaning
- tla ordinary snow
- tlacringit snow that is crusted on the surface
- tlanid snow that's shaken down and then mixes with sky-falling snow
- tlamo snow that falls in large wet flakes
- tlapa powder snow
- tlapat still snow
- tlapi summer snow
- tlapinti snow that falls quickly
- tlapripta snow so cold that it burns your scalp and eyelids
- tlarin snow suitable for sculpture
- tlaslo snow that falls slowly
- tlatim snow that falls in small flakes
- tlayinka snow mixed with mud
- tlayopi snow drifts that create deadfalls
- tlinro snow vapor
- tliyel snow that has been marked by wolves
- tliyelin snow that has been marked by Eskimos
- tlun snow sparkling with moonlight
- tlinro snow vapor
- trinkyi first snow of the year
- tronkyin last snow of the year
- truyi avalanche of snow
- warintla the snows of war. Signs of the Dead Times
- wa-ter melted snow
- yarlem: the deceptive peacefulness after a blizzard
- ylaipi tomorrow's snow