The Everdark
Everdark. Rarely is a name so apropos. The lands beneath the surface of Nycos, the passages within the world that lead, inexorably to the Great Eye of Vaul. Such a place is simply begging to be explored. But beware, for death comes in virtually infinite forms.
Broken Boundaries -
Two realms, separated by choices made long ago. Operate in isolation Occasionally, access from one realm to the other occurs when a breach between them forms, by accident or, even more rarely, by design. Usually small and quickly repaired, the links between them often cause considerable damage, and even catastrophe.
Arteries of the Eye -
The primary venues for trade among the more civilized denizens of the Everdark and their analogs among those who live in the Undersky (what Everdark peoples tend to call the areas above the surface), Arteries, it is said, all lead to a mythical center, a wonder of a world within the world. Perhaps a trade caravan is setting off to make new trade routes in the Everdark, or perhaps a known fugitive has taken flight into the recesses...
Tombs of the Ancients -
While many burial chambers and death sites do not make access into the realms below, some do. Perhaps a great item of value was buried with its owner and the grave plundered from Everdark raiders. Maybe something that was stolen, now is lost.
Mines of Mourning -
Those that seek their fortune plundering resources might have stumbled into areas where the Everdark’ s races were pursuing the same agenda. Trade might have resulted. Or perhaps one side sought to take all the treasure as their own. Very bad things live in the deep. Be wary what you might discover.
Bivalves -
Areas where the Everdark and Undersky have achieved truces and bilateral armistices lead to two-way trade points. Usually glacial in response times but without the diplomatic tension usually encountered, Bivalves are singularly effective places to relate information and receive in kind details, without a contrivance of trade and equanimity. Walk with caution, and don’t break curfew if you can help it.
Offerings Altars and Appeasement Ransoms -
Rather commonly confused with functioning Bivalves, Oa (pronounced “away”) chambers are the quick and dirty way to cross through segments of the Everdark undisturbed. Perhaps there is some truth to the idea that the Everdark is seeking ways to make peace with the Undersky. Maybe the Collectors just are not speedy to put themselves in danger’s way... Whatever the reason, the placement of Oa tend to be near great dangers from below or above, and are, at least at some level, an olive branch to the opposition, both in the Everdark and the Undersky.
The Bazaar Magnum -
An anomalous trade point, most often inaccessible to all but the most powerful entities, does on occasion, and usually for its own fell purposes, become an accessible crossover between the World Above and the World Below. Traders of oddities and captured beasts bring the wares, and the Bazaar stays open for but a fortnight before closing down, and the passage between the realms closes once again.