Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

The Helio-Nimbus-Null stellar system

In terms of appearance Nimbus- the striped and internally luminescent gas giant - is roughly ten times the size of Terra’s Jupiter, provides all the necessary light, UV, and IR spectrum emanations necessary for a roughly earth-like climate, with the addition of a constant bombardment of elemental energy in the form of Limn, the foundational material for all magic.Indeed, the feature of Nimbus that most clearly defines the passage of time is the position of the Heart of God, a deeply violet stain in the color bands, that marches clockwise through the skies. Manifesting as a roaming, racing, raging storm of which the Dragons speak at length, and which is said to be the very place of Death itself.   As to the more brilliant and energetic solar mass, Helios falls into the common Yellow Star classification, and is roughly 1.5 Solar masses, for comparison. Helios manifests merely as a brilliant star, rising from Nimbus's right shoulder and disappearing behind its left hip over a period of approximately a year from Shoulder (Doubleday) to Shoulder, or frim Hip(Nimbus Ascendant) depending on nation, culture, or religion.   Rumors tell of a third stellar feature, refered to as Null or the "blind eye" that is said to cause a second shadow, but is not visible to those in the Undersky. Mysteriously, it is tracked intensely by the Traloran peoples of the Everdark, and while it varies seasonally, it aligns with both Helios holidays. To the Tralorans, the period of Nimbus dominance is a season of foreboding and terror, as they have legends about an object they refer to as Marragon, that is said to make monsters of men and beast alike.   Considerably smaller than earth, Nycos has about the same diameter as Luna and its rotation offers a 24-hour day, each hour accounting for 60 minutes. While Nycos races around Nimbus at this staggering rate, completing an orbit in 30 days, the Solar body of Nimbus takes roughly 40 years to accomplish the task of circumnavigating Helios. -15.360 days in particular . As the angle of deflection pits the northern quarter of Nycos in full Nimbuslight, the majority of the northern continent is almost continually in perpetual Nimbuslight, the very idea of night and day becoming less obvious. Even at Daysplit only the southern reaches or Nordlym are subject to the brilliance of the Helios. .

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