Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

The Purpose

A candle lit - a war prevented, a hammer falls - a peace extended A dragon born - angels descended, a reign of men - a bridge defended A species Falls – an era ended.   The raising of flagons - the onset of dragons, the uplift of nations - unbalanced relations Mountains lost - a city found, demons banished - runes cast down Fortunes stolen - the walking drowned,   A culture crushed into the ground, the hearing of a world-wide sound Vaults are raided - a stolen debt, ancients wakened - a silent threat, Seeds are planted - a stair of jet   The books are read, the letters penned, the curse awakes - the moon ascends Storms are quelled - new friends are met, the end of things will bring regret A seeming end, but no, not yet,   Maddened crowds - portentous winds, the heroes return - fortunes they win Upon the Champions the world depends, Mysterious and cruel, an epic ends, Curiously thence to start again

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