Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

Voyage of the Nightbark

General Summary

From the mist a shape, a ship is taking form and the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm. Sign of power, a show of force; the terror of the 'Tween Sea advances on its course.   Pride of a nation; a beast made out of steel The Nightbark is in motion, the king of the ocean.   He was made to rule the waves across the Outer Seas to lead the war machine. To rule the waves and lead the submarines. It's the terror of the seas. The Nightbark and the submarines.   Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tons of steel. Set the course for the Black Waters with the allies on their heel.. Firepower, firefights, and to the battle stations, keep the targets steady in your sights   Into formation, the hunt has begun seeking death and damnation, for the battlefleet has come.   He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas to lead the war machine To rule the waves and lead the submarines. It's the terror of the seas The Nightbark and the submarines   At the bottom of the ocean the depths of the abyss, they are bound by iron and blood The flagship of the navy - the terror of the seas -turns his guns to serve silence at last   Pride of a nation a beast made of steel. Nightbark in motion, king of the ocean He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas to lead the war machine To rule the waves and lead the submarines The terror of the seas; The Nigthbark and the submarines   To lead the war machine   The terror of the seas   To lead the war machine   The terror of the seas Nightbark and the Sea marines
Report Date
07 Oct 2021

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