Wondrous Item
+3 AC when worn. While wearing the greaves, your movement speed increases by 5 feet. While worn, you can move across difficult terrain without penalty if it is illuminated by light. The Greaves of Vigilant Light are crafted from Huntald, shaped to provide full protection to the lower legs while maintaining mobility. The outer plates of the greaves are polished, reflecting ambient light with a faint white hue. Each plate is subtly curved, ensuring maximum deflection of blows while seamlessly following the natural contours of the wearer’s legs. Running vertically along the shin is a series of finely engraved lines that converge at the knee guard. These engravings depict rays of light radiating upward from an eye at the base. The rays themselves are filled with gelwed, creating a dual-tone effect that highlights the craftsmanship. The rear of the greaves features a series of overlapping plates that protect the achilles tendon and calf while allowing for unrestricted movement. These plates are secured with hidden rivets, giving the greaves a sleek, unbroken appearance. The interior lining is crafted from pale leather treated with a waxy finish, ensuring durability and resistance to moisture. Around the ankle joints, additional padding is included to prevent discomfort during extended wear. The soles of the greaves are fitted with raised, reinforced treads made from a composite material that mimics the texture of bark. These treads provide excellent grip on uneven surfaces and are engraved with faint, spiraling patterns that echo the Great Tree’s roots. Set Bonus (Scaldahan Armor Set (2nd Civic Flourishing Period)): 1: N/A 2: The wearer emits an aura of light that extends 30 feet. This light nullifies magical darkness within its radius and grants allies advantage on saving throws against charm, fear, and blindness while inside the aura. 3: The wearer gains resistance to radiant damage. 4: The wearer is immune to the first 3 effects of exhaustion. 5: When struck by a melee attack, the armor pulses with reactive energy, dealing 2d8 radiant damage to the attacker. 6: As an action, the wearer may invoke a Blessing of Elurias once per day, creating an aura of divine protection for 30 seconds. All allies within 30 feet regain 3d12 hit points at the start of their turn."To walk in the Light is to walk in the truth. To turn from the Light is to embrace falsehood and folly. Let thy steps be guided by its brilliance, and thy deeds reflect its purity."
Weight: 3LP