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Iron Warhammer of Embers



This weapon counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to non-magical piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage.

Fire Enchantment. The wielder can take a bonus action to cause it ignite with flames which shed dim light in a 30-foot radius. The wielder can extinguish the flames as a bonus action. The weapon has 3 charges. On a hit with the weapon while ignited, a charge is expended and the target takes 1d6 fire damage. Once all charges are expended the weapon will no longer ignite. The weapon can be recharged using a filled lesser soul gem, or two filled petty soul gems.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 2d6 / Heavy, two-handed Bludgeoning Melee

Cost: 200 gp
Weight: 10 lb

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