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Moonbrand Leather Armor

Armor (Light)

Uncommon Transmutation

  • Resilient Hide. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks not made with silvered weapons. Additionally, you have a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Moonlight Sickness. The armor's protection wanes when the power of the moon is brought to bear. You have disadvantage on saving throws, and attack rolls have advantage to hit you, when they are manifestations of the moon, like the Moonbeam spell. You cannot be resistant to such damage while wearing this armor.

This dark leather armor has a slight, pale blue tint, and is masterfully made. It features debossing of wolf jaws opening around the shoulder pauldrons. In stark contrast, the armor is affixed with studs of silver-- the only metal capable of puncturing it to set the studs in the first place.

After donning this armor, you feel cold night air on your skin, as if permeating the leather. It lasts only a moment, as a brief shock of rage warms up your body until it reaches its normal equilibrium again.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Light 13 + Your Dexterity Modifier / No

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Statblock Type

