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Ravenous Drake-Axe


Legendary A creature sharing blood with Vel-Sarren Requires Attunement

The Ravenous Drake-Axe is an adamantine weapon that ignores up to 5pts of DR. The weapon has 10 charges and any effect that forces a saving throw has a Save DC equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength modifier. All charges come back on a long rest. While a creature is attuned to it, the weapon has the following properties   1. The weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage and resistance and immunity to fire damage   2. The weapon and all of Ruddith's natural weapons deal an additional 1d12 damage of force and can reroll any damage rolls of 1s and 2s dealt by this weapon or its effects   3. You can spend charges of the weapon to do the following effects. You can only use one effect at a time. The flames made by this weapon are counted as withering flames
1 Charge: At the start of your turn the weapon ignites and the next attack you land within one minute deals an additional 1d12 fire damage.
B. 2 Charges: Same as the previous effect but the creature hit must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure the creature is set on fire for 1d4 + 1 turns. At the start of each of the creature's turn it takes 1d12 fire damage
C. Varies: Ruddith uses her action to casts one of the following spells requiring no compontents or concentration: Fire ball (3 charges), Wall of Fire (4 charges), Investiture of flame (5 charges)

The Ravenous Drake-Axe is a large two handed axe with a head crafted of black steel. The edge of the blade is serrated like the fangs of a dragon and has a dark purple tint that glows faintly with raw magic.When using the Devouring flame properties of the weapon it ignites with black flames that burn a stark white at their center. The Axe possesses a mind of its own but it is a primal, savage thing that cares for little more than to destroy and burn. It has a sense of pride though, suffering only a creature bearing the blood of Vel-Sarran to wield it and will incinerate anyone else who tries to wield it.

The Ravenous Drake-Axe is chaotic evil and any who attune to it are cursed. While cursed they cannot unattune to the weapon and can become possessed by its blood lust. When the wielder kills a creature they must make a Wisdom 17 saving throw. On a failure they must attack all hostile creatures and must use at least one charge of the weapon on their turn until their are none left. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until their are no hostile creatures left. After succumbing or succeeding against theĀ  effects of the curse a creature is immune to the effects for 24 hours.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d12 / + 1d12 force Slashing melee

Weight: 8lb

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