Wondrous Item
Rare Requires Attunement
Magical, divination.
The Core of Sight is a glass rod 1 foot tall and 5 inches wide. It is a swirling pink and purple color with exceptional clarity.
Once attuned the Core of Sight holds 1 charge.
Sight of 3 directions. Consuming the charge the user may request to see one of the directions, past, present, or future.
Choosing past or future, the user must state who, what, or when they want to see. The Core then unfurls into a mirror 1 foot tall and 2 foot wide, showing the user a short vision of what they asked for. After doing so it shatters.
Choosing the present, The user must state who, what, or where they want to see. The Core then unfurls and shows the user the vision of what they asked for. After doing so it shatters.
Cost: invaluable
Weight: 3 lbs.