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Gauntlets: Ārundeln's Elyd Gauntlets

Wondrous Item

Very Rare

+2 AC when worn.   Nelhmath Spells deal 9% additional damage when worn.   Increase Resilience by 3 when worn.   Increase maximum mana by 13 when worn.   Articulated protective gloves, constructed from Lyḧaeref plates shaped to mirror the curvature and natural movement of the hand. Each gauntlet consists of ten interlocking segments covering the fingers, palm, and wrist, with overlapping joints that allow for flexion and extension while maintaining structural rigidity. The outer surface of the plates are satin-polished, displaying faint striations that resemble natural grain patterns, while the edges of each segment are beveled and slightly curved to minimize catching during motion. The knuckle guards are reinforced with raised ridges, each ridge measuring 0.4 inches in height, shaped to resemble twisting rays of light that converge toward the center joint. These ridges are etched with fine grooves, forming symmetrical patterns that continue seamlessly into the finger segments, where they taper back. The thumb plate features a sculpted cap, slightly thicker than the other finger joints, and bears a small engraved Eldalynz motif near its base, partially obscured by wear. The wrists are protected by tapered bracers, each measuring 4 inches in length, extending slightly past the forearm for overlapping coverage with the cuirass. The bracers are curved inward and reinforced with double-layered edges, fastened by riveted ginelwa hinges that display visible oxidation near the joints. Narrow ventilation slits are cut into the underside of each bracer, evenly spaced and aligned, allowing for airflow without compromising structural integrity. The interior lining is composed of quilted linen, stitched into hexagonal cells similar to the cuirass. The fabric is dyed a muted white, darkened by wear and treated with resin coatings to resist moisture absorption. The finger compartments are individually padded, their seams reinforced with leather bindings that show faint signs of cracking and discoloration. The gauntlets are secured with adjustable leather straps, fastened by circular gelwed buckles. These straps loop through ginelwa rings affixed to the bracers, reinforced with double stitching and spaced at 1-inch intervals. Small imperfections such as scratches along the knuckles and minor dents in the bracers are present.   Set Bonus (Ārundeln's Elyd Armor Set): 1: Gain 5 Maximum Healt Points.   2: Gain 20 Slashing Damage Mitigation.   3: Gain 10 Maximum Health Points. Gain 20 Fire Damage Aggravation.   4: Gain an additional 20 Slashing Damage Mitigation. Gain 20 Piercing Damage Mitigation.   5: Gain an additional 30 Fire Damage Aggravation   6: Gain 13 temporary hit points at the start of each round, to a maximum of 169 at one point.

"Upon her ascension as an Elurian Knight, Arundeln was clad in Elyd, each piece wrought in reverence and sealed with her vows, that she might stand as the Mother’s shield and blade."

Weight: 3LP

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