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Coinpurse of Global Banking

Wondrous Item

Common None

These coinpurses are so common they're barely considered magic, let alone expensive. Any amount of coin can fit within these coinpurses. No matter how many coins are put in this bag, it always weighs 1 pound. 

In order to use this item you must spend at least one minute concentrating on It as if to attune to the item. At the end of the minute you name a bank on this plane of existence, the banks symbol appears on the outside of the bag. When you place gold or other coins in this pouch they are transported to the desired bank. To retrieve coins from the pouch simply reach inside and think of the amount you wish to withdraw and the amount appears in your hands (Cannot exceed your personal amount deposited). Any attempt to withdraw an amount greater than was has been deposited will result in a small note with "DECLINED" written on it being lightly propelled out of the purse. The pouch can only be used by you, or anyone you designate at the end of a short or long rest. If the pouch is lost or stolen after you imprint upon it the pouch will not give up coins to anyone except you.

If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it becomes untethered to it's linked bank account. Untethered coinpurses are able to be repaired and reconnected to the bank of your choice, alternatively a new Coinpurse of Global Banking may be connected to an existing bank account, any existing coinpurses will untether. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again.

Any item entering the bag that is not coin or currency, will be immediately repelled and dropped on the floor. 

Cost: 5sp
Weight: 1lb

Created by

Chok Bear.

Statblock Type

