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Shed Tail

6-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 reaction
Components: Material
Materials: A drop of Dragonkin blood (Dragonborns and Draconic Descendants (ie. Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers) may instead pay 1 hp)
Duration: Instant
Attack/Save: Dex
Damage/Effect: 2d4 Depends on the Element of the Dragonkin

Teleport to a spot within range leaving behind a tail composed of the Elemental power of the Dragonkin, which upon being struck, explodes and damages all enemies in Melee Range.

At higher levels:

+1d4 per level

At level 9, the range becomes 10 feet.

Available for: Wizard, Sorcerers, and Warlocks

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Statblock Type

