The Tsarina Conductor (Homebrew)
3-level Transmutation
Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longerYou feel your body heat-up, your chest begins to glow red from within, your muscles tighten, your breath fogs
When cast upon a Creature within range, this spell will grant them the following for it's duration:
+ 1 to all Strength, Constitution & Dexterity rolls.
Resistance to Fire Damage.
Doubled Movespeed.
Deal an additional (Creature Level) Fire Damage, on Attacks.
After 2 Rounds of being Overclocked, at the begining of Each Turn; The Creature must make a Consitution Saving Throw of (12) or take 8 (4) points of Fire damage.
This Spell can be deactivated by the caster at any time.