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Rare Required to access magical qualities. Requires Attunement

Finesse, heavy, reach, magical.

Lust is a large darksteel whip used by the demon of the alias "The Lady of Mercy" Who lived in Orisanti circa 882E5. It is a whip made of interlocked darksteel links with barbs in all directions.

Lust was made to channel the Ladies innate psychic abilities. Allowing her to bring pain or pleasure to those it harms.

While holding this magic weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Blissful harm. Critical strikes made with this weapon cause the victim to feel intense pleasure, they must make a wasdom saving throw DC 16 or become charmed until the end of their next turn. Additionally, the psychic damage dealt by this weapon on a critical is always 16, only roll for slashing damage.

Sadistic torment. After killing a creature with Lust, your next attack made with Lust can critically strike on a 19-20.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 2d4 slashing / 1d8 psychic Slashing

Cost: invaluable
Weight: 8 lbs

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