Rare Requires Attunement
two-handed, heavy, magical, reach.
Fetish is the lady of mercy's second weapon. A massive black obsidian spear tipped in infernal iron. Its weight is immense to anyone not attuned to it.
The spear was forged in hell for the lady of mercy to wield.
Corrupting edge. On a hit, the target must make a wisdom saving throw DC 16. On a failure they are charmed by you for 1 minute. At the start of their turn they can make a wisdom saving throw DC 16 to end the effect.. On a success they are immune to this effect for 24 hours. When charmed by you in this way, they are also frightened by you. Dealing damage to someone charmed in this way with Fetish does not end the charm.
Wanton Suffering. A creature charmed by corrupting edge takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of its turn after making their wisdom saving throw. The effected creature also becomes vulnerable to fire damage for the duration of Corrupting edge unless it was previously immune, in which case it becomes resistant.
Bane of good species. Weapon attacks made with Fetish against good aligned humanoid species have advantage.
Type | Damage | Damage | Range |
Simple Melee | 1d10 + 1d6 slashing / 1d4 fire | None |
Cost: invaluable
Weight: 5 lbs.