Religion in Dark Shards
DIRECTORS: This section embraces an "Ancient Religions" methodology, allowing for the development and use of 'religion' to flavor the character creation with Gifts of the Faithful to the Ancient Gods.
PLAYERS: Ask your Director if they are using Ancient Religions lore in their game before taking these Traits.
Be it known that the most Ancient Ones, in the Times Before, gave to Nycos gifts that offered their descendants opportunities to both remember and revere them for the offerings. Stories abound about these Six, and there remain those who make offering to the Old Gods. Though the actual practice of these ancient rituals are lost in time, forgotten or disregarded by most, nonetheless, the Gifts still manifest from time to time, and thus the faith lingers.
Improved Aural Sensitivity - Presence, Resilience - larger ears, longer hearing range, better clarity at distance.
Positional Accuracy - Presence, Resolve - Tonal reflectiveness provides positional references for movement in the dark or occluded areas
Noise Filtration - Cognition, Resolve - Ability to discern a conversation over intervening noise or distractions
Selective Deafness - Presence, Resilience - Ability to cut off frequencies or even some magical musical effects with practice
Tone Tunnel - Ability to create, for a limited time, a threshold for a response that is virtually subaural, again with practice
Farsight - Cognizance, Resolve - The ability to recognize heraldry at half a farspell, and a face at a thousand paces.
Camp Sight - Cognizance - The ability to see smoke rising from a banked night fire or other camouflaged camping evidence
Battle-Scaling - Cognizance - the ability to sense strategic shifts in large-scale engagements
Hunter's Edge - Cognizance, Resilience - detect and more accurately discover nonsentient prey
Weather Sight - Cognizance, Presence - Draw conclusions about the weather based on visual cues.
Near Sight - Brilliance, Cognizance - Awareness of and attention to detail, even when distracted
Peripheral Accuity - Presence - Awareness of activity in the corners of your eyes
Sense Deception - Resolve - Pick up the possibility of Concealment, Camouflage, or Illusion
Dead Eye Line - Cognizance - Ability to keep a direct path over distance by honing in on a landmark.
Signal Receiver - Cognizance - Ability to collect and record messages sent by light or reflection
Passing Glance - Cognizance, Resolve - Identify those who passed by a place. The intensity of the effect is determined by time since passing, and knowledge of who passed.
Ghastly Vision - Cognizance, Resilience - Experience a crime scene that has occurred in the presence of an object without context, but including the pain caused.
Chronosight - Brilliance, Cognizance - Determine whether an item is within or from beyond its chronological origin.
Friend or Foe - Cognizance, Presence - Discern on first contact if an individual is a friend or enemy at that instant. Not a measure of loyalty, just if the person can be trusted now.
Discern Curse - Cognizance, Resolve - Determine the nature of an item without becoming subject to adverse Effects.
Trace on the wind - Presence, Resolve - follow a target through scent alone
Breathless - Presence, Resilience - hold breath for exceptional period
Health or Harm? Presence, Resilience - Determine if a food or drink is safe to consume or contaminated somehow.
Silent Sleep - Resilience, Resolve - Suspended animation that manifests as dead for hours or even days
Sense the Invisible- Presence, Resolve - detect items that have a scent despite not seeing them.
Detect (x) Mineral - cognizance, resilience - Recognize and assay purity of a particular chosen material
Iron Stomach - Resilience - capacity to resist poison and contamination in foods
Camel's Constitution - Resilience - capacity to go extended periods of time without water
Extra Pocketses - Resilience, Resolve - capacity to swallow - and regurgitate (one per size class) items at will.
Double-lung - Reslience, Resolve - though careful breathing, double breath capacity, and buoyancy in water or other similar liquids.
PLAYERS: Ask your Director if they are using Ancient Religions lore in their game before taking these Traits.
Be it known that the most Ancient Ones, in the Times Before, gave to Nycos gifts that offered their descendants opportunities to both remember and revere them for the offerings. Stories abound about these Six, and there remain those who make offering to the Old Gods. Though the actual practice of these ancient rituals are lost in time, forgotten or disregarded by most, nonetheless, the Gifts still manifest from time to time, and thus the faith lingers.
Gifts of Grohl (Lord of Beasts)
When the world was young, and the Descendents went far afield. The Intended, Grohl, felt compassion for them, for they were thither and yon and were in danger of missing the All-Father's Call. Upon the Anniversary of the Incept, Grohl gave to his children the gifts of the Ear.Improved Aural Sensitivity - Presence, Resilience - larger ears, longer hearing range, better clarity at distance.
Positional Accuracy - Presence, Resolve - Tonal reflectiveness provides positional references for movement in the dark or occluded areas
Noise Filtration - Cognition, Resolve - Ability to discern a conversation over intervening noise or distractions
Selective Deafness - Presence, Resilience - Ability to cut off frequencies or even some magical musical effects with practice
Tone Tunnel - Ability to create, for a limited time, a threshold for a response that is virtually subaural, again with practice
Gifts of Helios (Lord of Light)
In those same ancient times, Helios too feared for his children, for his fellows and friends. To them, Helios sent each the Farsight - strong distance vision, so they could look upon the condition, and race back to the All-father's care in time.Farsight - Cognizance, Resolve - The ability to recognize heraldry at half a farspell, and a face at a thousand paces.
Camp Sight - Cognizance - The ability to see smoke rising from a banked night fire or other camouflaged camping evidence
Battle-Scaling - Cognizance - the ability to sense strategic shifts in large-scale engagements
Hunter's Edge - Cognizance, Resilience - detect and more accurately discover nonsentient prey
Weather Sight - Cognizance, Presence - Draw conclusions about the weather based on visual cues.
Gift of Nimbus (Lady of the Sky)
When the Allfather sent out his progeny, Nimbus recognized they would soon need things the Allfather provided but did not explain. To protect her kindred, Nimbus provided hers with keen near sight, to see what was revealed yet hidden, to extract knowledge from inference and deductionNear Sight - Brilliance, Cognizance - Awareness of and attention to detail, even when distracted
Peripheral Accuity - Presence - Awareness of activity in the corners of your eyes
Sense Deception - Resolve - Pick up the possibility of Concealment, Camouflage, or Illusion
Dead Eye Line - Cognizance - Ability to keep a direct path over distance by honing in on a landmark.
Signal Receiver - Cognizance - Ability to collect and record messages sent by light or reflection
Gift of Nyx (Lord of Insights)
As his kindred made their way into the world, Nyx looked upon them and had compassion. As such, they could see things that would aid them in the dangerous world they were entering. This was to be a blessing, to feel the purpose and intent the Allfather did not project but was ever under His scrutiny.Passing Glance - Cognizance, Resolve - Identify those who passed by a place. The intensity of the effect is determined by time since passing, and knowledge of who passed.
Ghastly Vision - Cognizance, Resilience - Experience a crime scene that has occurred in the presence of an object without context, but including the pain caused.
Chronosight - Brilliance, Cognizance - Determine whether an item is within or from beyond its chronological origin.
Friend or Foe - Cognizance, Presence - Discern on first contact if an individual is a friend or enemy at that instant. Not a measure of loyalty, just if the person can be trusted now.
Discern Curse - Cognizance, Resolve - Determine the nature of an item without becoming subject to adverse Effects.
Gift of Nord (Lady of the Winds)
The path beyond the realm passed the wonders of Nord's kitchen, and much as Grohl before her, Nord hoped to provide her kindred with exceptional olfactory gifts, to bring them back to the kitchens when they had completed their ventures.Trace on the wind - Presence, Resolve - follow a target through scent alone
Breathless - Presence, Resilience - hold breath for exceptional period
Health or Harm? Presence, Resilience - Determine if a food or drink is safe to consume or contaminated somehow.
Silent Sleep - Resilience, Resolve - Suspended animation that manifests as dead for hours or even days
Sense the Invisible- Presence, Resolve - detect items that have a scent despite not seeing them.
Gift of Yarl (Lady of Kitchens)
Yarl, the one most like a mother to the kindred, knew that all of the kindred travel, in effect on their stomachs. To give them long life and the opportunities to experience all the wonders of Nycos, Yarl gifted them with improved gustatory senses.Detect (x) Mineral - cognizance, resilience - Recognize and assay purity of a particular chosen material
Iron Stomach - Resilience - capacity to resist poison and contamination in foods
Camel's Constitution - Resilience - capacity to go extended periods of time without water
Extra Pocketses - Resilience, Resolve - capacity to swallow - and regurgitate (one per size class) items at will.
Double-lung - Reslience, Resolve - though careful breathing, double breath capacity, and buoyancy in water or other similar liquids.