Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

Ruins - Echoes of abandoned places

You would think that the remains of old cities, particularly of those in a world where magic exists, would be chock full of unsolved mystery, and left undisturbed for centuries, would make it a place for a really fascinating adventure. And you would be very right. Below are the kinds of places like this that dot the landscape, causing one to wonder, "what would cause people to abandon such places? Do the dangers that took them down still wander the remains?


Captured in time by tragic event or local disaster, places of archival value are home to valuables and assets that have survived the destruction of the Never. Such artifacts might be weapons, tools, or sheer riches of bygone eras, yet these archives can also house ancient evils, seeking ways to once again assail the world of the living.


From the whimsical to the seriously detailed, libraries are where all forms of information are maintained for public consumption, or by the elites or special interests depending on the location. Ruined Libraries are often places lost in the past, often holding the keys to the future.


Ironically, some of the most overlooked resources of ancient times are places where the past itself is remembered, retained, recorded, and remains. Those of fell nature are the bellwether, a beacon of darkness calling to be rediscovered, while those of benefit are often looted for valuables, and ignored for the insight they might reveal.

Places of Learning

In hidden places, deep knowledge and wisdom can be unearthed. Colleges and schools retain their resources for learning, and by seeking out these mysterious resources, particularly those forgotten over the ages, the Cadre can discover details and resources left untouched for decades, even centuries.

Monstrous Lairs

The greatest weapons are oft defended by those who killed those who attempted to wield them. Whether mystical or mythical, the kinds and types of beasts, abominations and aberrations that might be involved bring variety and danger to the Cadre

Sources of Magical Power

Natural or contrived, there are places of unimaginable power that have fallen into history and are yet to be discovered. Whether they come to destroy the resource or tap its potential, these arcane or religious sites are well suited to challenging your Cadre.

Abandoned Cities

Discovering how or why a population vanished is always a compelling mystery. Did they leave of their own volition or were they wiped out? Did they leave their prized possessions, or did they take nearly everything with them when they departed? Where did they go? Who were these people, and what great and terrible secrets and powers did they possess? Only the intrepid Cadre can discover the answers.

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