Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

The Legend of the Injunction

To the intended Persona -
There is, beyond the Realms, Outside of Time itself, a world beyond our imaginings. Mist and shadows it may indeed be, but know that in and of our world, some are afforded a gift beyond measure, a treasure beyond counting. At a moment in time unpredictable, at places unexpected, in ways incomprehensible, certain ones of us are raised from our humble birth and young life to walk the Passages of Time. This process, known as the Injunction, has been ever with us, in harsher times as an aggressive taking of our finest, and in more recent times, a greatly-heralded and well-rewarded step in coming of age of those so Enjoined. With our own eyes have we seen the gifted and talented among us rise beyond their station, to become heroes and leaders of our families, clans, and even nations.   Some of us experience this wonder in our own life, even as my hand has been guided by the Master to scribe His messages to us, and the experience has changed me. Some experience this only fleetingly without comprehending it has been done, while others seem to embrace and even anticipate the joy it can carry and long for the opportunity to again serve the heroic souls who guide our hands.   Nonetheless, to walk the Passages is a great duty, a lifelong expression of the wonders of the Universe. Those who make the trek feel the hand of destiny, hear the voices of the ancients in ways beyond our ken. So, when you are Enjoined, take pride in your role, for you have set upon the Way, achieved the Path, and are progressing toward the Iterations head-on. Your life will no longer be your own, and the Passage will be, for you, legendary.

Emir Ethelred, Farspeaker of Trundlespunt

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