Nycos is the magical world behind the NycosRPG System. Created by Jonathan Albin, and tried, tested, and tempered by RPG players for more than four decades. All Rights Reserved,

The Wings of Aeroas

The overall military command of the Primus of Aeroas falls to Exalted Xanthic Siyan Savoyan of Jezrael An Vorerse, and he commands from Aethyr's Redoubt in the Valor's Main Heights. Each Wing of Aeroas features a particular flight of giant Avian Archetypes, and performs specific missions for the Empire.

Nimbustone the Albatross

Marathon Flight
on silent wings, the Nimbustone riders are surveillance veterans, keeping unblinking eyes on the enemies and those who might be up to mischief. Commanded by Mathic Erin Malachus

The Amethyst Raptors

- Amethysts are the primary cavalry for Aeroas. Often named as Queen's Consorts for military prowess and political acumen. Commanded by Mathic (title) Ashmiri Ghastir

Beryl the SwiftRiders

- Beryls are the swiftest, most maneuverable breed of Skymasters, and so Beryl, its green coloration, is associated with the speed of the agile and humble Swifts. Vantan Wyrick is their Xanthic.

Chalcedony the Nightjars 

The Nightjars are, by far, the masters of camouflage. The Nightjars all answer to Xanthic Chiros Balandan, based at the High Peak Eyrie.

Ruby the Roadrunners

  • The only flightless Avion unit, the Rubies are relentless trackers and hunters, and with their steeds also trained in scent differentiation. Command falls to Songwind Cross in Fulcrum's Rookery.
  • Sapphire the Jays

    , Raucous and fearless, the Sapphire pride themselves for diversion and harrying attacks that keep the enemies of Aeroas confused and confounded

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