Cursed Holy Symbol Of Noxtherra
Spellcasting Focus
Once an asimaar, son of Noxtherra have been tasked with an order of his parent, which he could not bring himself to do. For this, Noxtherra, the god of undead and rot disowned him, taking back any power they gave him. The only thing they left with their Son was the holy emblem resembling Noxtherra themselfves. The emblem has been cursed by them so that the Asimaar will never be able to take it off, and he must use it to channel any and all kind of spells he has acces to, while giving the spells a faintly darker color representing Noxtherra's ever presence overlooking the Asimaar.
This emblem makes the Asimaar remember who his parent is, to never forget the acts he made in their name in the past before he decided to break loose from his parent.
It is a conncetion to the God, for them to be able to watch over their son and ultimatly trying to tempt them back into their service.
-Curse of the Rot God: This holy symbol is cursed and bound to you. You cannot remove it or choose not to use it as your spellcasting focus. If separated from you, the symbol returns to you by any means necessary, teleporting back across planes if needed.
If you are wearing no clothing, the symbol embeds itself into your skin. You can merge it with any item as long as you hold or wear them, and you can cover it if needed.
This curse cannot be removed by the remove curse spell or similar effects. Only Noxtherra or another god can lift it.
-This Holy Symboll counts as
all kinds of spellcasting focuses for the porpuses the Asimaar decides to be a wizard, or use other type of magic.
-Each time they cast a spell or any abilities resembeling a spell (like Divine Smite, Channel Divinity) a faint whisper is heard by only the caster, resembling Noxtherra's voice and the spell will have a faint darker color.
Active abilities
-Noxtherra's touch: Once per long rest you can cast Infilct Wounds without expending a spellslot and you use a +6 to the attack roll instead of your spell attack bonus. If used on a corpse, it will start to decay in seconds, leaving not even bones behind after 10 minutes.
If you use this ability your hand is covered in black mist, and your veins turn black in the arm used for the spell for 1 minute, reminding you of Noxtherra's infuelnce in the spell.
-Noxtherra's Presence: Once per long rest, you can unleash a burst of death energy around you in a 30ft radious circle, which stays as a faint black mist and follows you for 1 minute. Any undead in the range will be unable to willingly hurt or attack you, unless you attack them first after this effect has been activated, showing Noxtherra's controll over their creation/people. If you use this ability, your eyes turn black, your skin and hair turns darker, reminding you of Noxtherra's infuence in the ability.