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Sat 25th Sep 2021 05:21


by Omar Nightbright

The Heart of Justice truly lay in the H34r7 of Colder. When finally, I had caught up to the group, they were just entering the ruins of what may have been of Tink creation. In there, we found a room filled with dials, knobs and cylindrical device with a propeller at the center. At times separately, and others together, we slowly made our way through the long abandoned halls of the vessel. At one point, when I was assisting Freya with a suctioned door, I nearly fell to an eternal abyss. It was only by the grace of whatever powers at hand that I crawled my way through some poorly placed viscous pancake batter. Surely enough, we found later that the door was a poorly constructed “trash” chute that was used to discard unwanted objects or persons. Though we made it fairly unscathed, I learned that there truly is safety in numbers.
She and I made our way to the other side of the compound to a trail of dried blood leading to the mess area where we found H34r7 and Valara investigating a wall of uncooked Glimberbread men. It would appear that whoever was seeking aid, found it in the comfort of a freshly baked Glom. After bringing to life, a Glim, we learned more of the Black Queen’s Vessel.
Adjacent to the Mess Hall, there lay Todd; a Fire Giant skull linked to the compound via wires and consoles. This was revealed to be the communication to an Efrete who relayed orders and summoned the Black Queeen. Strangely, Glim showed no ill intent towards any of us, however him and his four brethren (Glem, Glam, Glom, and Glum) advocated on the behalf of the coming of the Black Queen.
Within the compound, we found some deactivated Dreadnoughts similar to H34r7 and some spare parts. After dismantling the remaining death machines, I believe H34r7 may be looking to study their inner workings to perhaps learn more of their origins. Beyond the storage and manufacturing rooms, we found a library filled with books of a time gone by.
Valara, Holstein, and myself all collected novels to add to the libraries of Trantor. I was able to discern five books that may provide more insight of the history that encompassed this vessel (The Book of Daley, The Tome of Chuitzina, The Testament of Chiromancy, The Tecatzin Tablets, and The Tome of Blood). Though well studied, I recognize my limits in my ability to truly understand the teachings of these ancient stories so I decided to start my literary journey with The Book of Daley, believing that I can comprehend this book in the shortest amount of time.
Next to the library lay a room that Glim presented as the way to remain grounded in this vessel. It was a hex shaped room with a pad of soil in the center. Upon activation via touch, oil welled to the surface and began floating towards the ceiling; carrying with it candy hearts with the names of the different Glimberbread men and their numbers. This apparently served as a memorial to all Glimberbread men of those who died in service to their Black Queen.
H34r7 recollected stories of the creation of the Glimberbread men. They were originally a single adventurer named Glim who succumbed to poor dealings with a coven of hags. He was tortured and driven mad to the point of splitting into five distinct personalities that the hags captured and baked into a gingerbread cookie. The cookie was saturated not only with the soul of Glim, but the oils of tormented youths torn from their homes.
H34r7 is one that has shown time and again the breadth of compassion may not be just the natural product of birth, but a honed skill in one’s approach to their world. It was after the telling of the Glimberbread men that H34r7 looked to Floyd for some guidance and instead, found a beating heart in his chest cavity. He poked and prodded, and from the center of his chest, he pulled out an elongated handle with a bludgeoning head attached. Here is where we found the Hammer of Justice.
The member of our party that seemed most fit to wield such a distinguishing icon of all that should be right in the world. As soon as Vincus made themselves known, Elros, The Sword of Truth appeared in the hand crafted scabbard made by H34r7.
I am humbled to be chosen as the carrier of Truth; the very essence that I seek in all of my life. Elros has seen much potential in me. Although I am grateful, an overwhelming sense of humility must be harnessed to understand that I am simply a carrier as of this moment. I strive to understand Truth, and hope to one day be worthy to wield Truth with unerring accuracy and precision. Until then, I will try to commune with Elros to see what it means to be utterly truthful.